
Immersive Sim in Godot


  • Itch (Play it)

  • Project Description

    I wanted to try Godot 4, and I was inspired by retro fps games like Doom, and the immersive sim genre. And so, I made this. Currently it's nowhere near an immersive sim. But it was a good way to learn Godot. And I have to say, I really liked it!

    3D to 2D Pipeline

    I created a little 3D to 2D exporter for this game using Unity. It takes in a 3D model with animations, and generates sprite sheets for the animations in 5 directions along with normal maps for each frame of the sprite sheet.
    The generated sprite sheets and normal maps are then used in Godot along with a custom animator to animate characters.
    3D To 2D Pipeline

    Map Creation

    As well as trying out Godot, I also wanted to try out TrenchBroom which is a level editor for Quake-engine based games. That's how I made the map you walk around in the game!

